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10635 Park Road Pineville, NC 28210

Gracious Living-Pineville

Located in the "Black Lion" Medical Office Building with Tryon Medical and Oncology Specialists, Gracious Living brings its rich programming for adults ready to enjoy living instead of exisiting!  Despite diagnoses, cognitve or physical impairments we are called to continue enhancing our physcial, social,  emotional and spiritual well-beings. 

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Gracious Living ADHCC's mission is to preserve the dignity and enhance the quality of life for those we serve through a caring, stimulating, therapeutic and enjoyable environment. 


Gracious Living ADHCC's vision is to provide an unparalleled experience as the most trusted partner in the adult day and health care experience. We shall provide rest for the weary, love, compassion and encouragement to all families and participants that we serve. 

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